How to Slayed Every Year Like a Boss !

9:34 AM

Remember when we said, or at least thought 2020 will be our year? Yeah, me too. Despite all the challenges we faced last year, some of us still managed to come out on top so I wanted to write this blog because I believe every young woman should be equipped with the tools and techniques I used to slay 2020 like a true BOSS BABE.

Being a fashionista isn't easy, and sometimes precious time and funds can go towards more fun than business, this is why prioritizing your goals is so important. I enjoy the lifestyle I live and I know in order to keep living it and surpass it I need to prioritize my goals. Therefore my very first tip to set yourself up for success is to create a VISION BOARD. I know, some of us dread the idea of sitting on our living room floors doodling away, cutting up magazine pages, and making collages, trust me, I was one you those people, but a vision board is nothing more than a plan, a master plan, a plan with really strong affirmations, and boldness behind it. 

On your vision board, the sky is the limit. Some of us are not bold enough to say out loud "I will be my own boss this year." or "I will buy my dream home for my birthday."  When your mind brings forth powerful thoughts like these, your same mind can sometimes bring doubts and fear that can suffocate the positive idea you just had, but when you take your dreams out of your mind and put them on a piece of paper or a board there is no longer warfare, doubts, or fear, your dreams now become the truth, you just gave them life, they are now part of a living realm and the universe can start putting in the work towards them, reading them every morning is now reaffirmation of something that is TRUE. 

I am a true testament to the power of visualizing your goals. Despite a global pandemic and crashing market, I was able to move into my first condo, buy my goal car, triple my income, and get my first physical beauty lounge. The pandemic was no match for what the universe had lined up for me.  Everything that needed to happen to facilitate my growth like the market crashing, commercial real estate prices tanking was a way to help me manifest my dreams.

Now for the fun part. I often get asked how I manage my career, businesses and still have time for leisure, shopping trips, and travels while still investing in my dreams, and I just have one word for you, DISCIPLINE. As a functional shopaholic, I had to learn to regulate my shopping, so I put myself on a diet. Every year, from January to Jun, I go on a financial/shopping fast. I restrain from buying anything that isn’t a complete necessity or travel for leisure around that time. I use those months for physical & spiritual growth. Picture 6 months of working out, drinking water, minding my own business, and moisturizing my skin and hair all the while building a closer relationship with God.

As a summer baby, my birthday month of July usually kicks off the start of the shopping season and the end of my fast. Shopping is more fun overseas so for the next 6 months of the year, I usually try to travel to a destination each month or prolong my trips if I’m traveling intercontinental. Working 3-4 days a week makes this possible for me to achieve but if you have a 9 to 5/week I would recommend working overtime during your fasting months then decreasing your hours on your holiday months so you can travel more, start a side hustle, etc... 

I hope these tips were helpful for at least one of my readers. There is so much more for us to learn from 2020 but I hope each and every one of us learn the power of planning and manifesting.  


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